Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Maker Faire (Ghana) 2009

I attended the Maker Faire held here in Ghana at the Kofi Annan Centre for Excellence in IT (AIT), Accra. This fair gave makers and inventors the opportunity to come together, interact, and to showcase their ideas and inventions.

I was there to demonstrate how to make cold-process soap, and also had some of my soaps on display. The soap I made here is from pure unrefined Shea Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, and Olive Oil.

There were some really interesting ideas on waste recycling, and processing of natural resources like with the Shea Butter Press, and Cassava Processer to aid women in rural areas in the making of 'gari'.


I especially loved the solar-powered radio station made with a local antenna,
and solar powered lamps made with used plastic containers.

Then there was Tei, the clothing designer who designed avant garde clothing out of recucled plastic. I absolutely loved it!!

The Electric Cream is a compound that heats up when mixed with water, and can warm your food, heat up the room, or be used to iron your clothes, no electricity needed! I thought that was pretty cool. Especially when the gentleman who invented this told me his wife does all the ironing at home without electicity!

This fair inspired me and reminded me that there are others out there who share the same vision for a better world, a cleaner world, a safer world.

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